ok. i suppose it is time to start this bad dog up. i decided that since some people arent that into the mass email thing, i would make a blog. that way, you can read it if you care to, and if you dont, well, i suppose you wouldnt have even gotten this far. right now i should be packing up to go, but instead am sitting on my floor wasting time. sometimes you just get tired of throwing stuff away. anyway. hopefully i will have some sort of internet access in jordan so that i can update y'all on how life in the middle east is going. if anyone has suggestions of little gifts to take to my host family, or important things to take, be sure to let me know asap! also, here is my contact info for the time being:
if there is an emergency (a real one):
business hours: 1.800.424.8580 ext. 1470
after hours: 202.638.2574
mail!! (no packages during my first ten weeks. i'll let everyone know when i can get care packages. but send as many letters as you want!!):
Andrea Girard, PCT
c/o Peace Corps Jordan
P.O. Box 6338
Amman 11118
You should probably address it to me as andrea instead of andi. i dont know if the peace corps can sort me by nickname.
alright, since nothing is interesting now, i will cut this short. no need to talk about nothing. i will post again in DC or Jordan.