taking the long way home. almost to the finish line.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

ok. so i lied to you all. the last was obviously not my last post from jordan. so, perhaps i will just stop speculating at all, so as to save myself from being wrong. which i hate. so, you may notice that i changed my page. i guess this is to make me less bored with it. but i think it also signifies a change. duh. so from every post (after this one which obviously still has to do with jordan) i will be telling yarns from our (me and jenny) fabulous world tour. and depending on the quality of internet i can find there i will try to pepper my words with some pictures. and finally, to be totally crass. you may notice that i have a link to paypal on here. that is only for those of you who have some sort of crazy disposable income and want to help us on our way. no pressure.
so, on to telling you about my last days of peace corps. my last week has been a blur of last visits and jordanian food and goodbyes. and yes, crying. i dont fancy myself to have been much of a cryer in the states. but here in jordan i have turned into tammy faye of sorts. i cry at everything. so my biggest goodbye was from my counterpart and my center. she told me not to come to work thursday, but instead to just show up at five for a surprise. the surprise was a bus with about 15 of my friends down to wadi rum. for those of you who dont know what wadi rum is, it is the big red desert that lawrence of arabia wandered through in his advance to aqaba. so we showed up and had coffee and tea in the desert. climbed some rocks. sang and danced and ululated. the most surreal part of it all was the bedouin dj in the desert. it was a real party. i could be totally wrong here, but i think the only "going away" most jordanian girls are used to is when a girl gets married. so all night they called me the bride and sang me bridal songs which go a little something like "andi is leaving the girls. stay a little while longer, don't go". they also bobby pinned a bunch of tissue to my head as a veil and played wedding with me. so, i got my jordanian wedding, sans groom. it was a great night and a really nice going away party. from what i hear, it was the best that any volunteer here got. but that is not unexpected from my counterpart. she always did extra for me. the side effect of my party was that i absolutely lost my voice. making it difficult to say my goodbyes. so now i am in amman, wrapping it up and able to put my experiences in the past tense. and i am anxiously waiting to hear if my poor poor previously drilled tooth needs a root canal. a root canal in jordan is not high on my list of goals. anyway, i am off for a final medical poking and prodding. and the next time i write i will have a partner in crime in AFRICA!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andi, I just got back.America is great. They have food and drinks and rainbows and unicorns! It's not at all like the Jordanians told me it was. I've been home 3 days and I havent been shot once!I'm averaging 6 meals a day. "Biggest Loser" here I come.

2:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Additionally, your Africa trip has nothing on my journey home.7 cities, 4 continents, 2 full days. I was stuck overnite in Cincinatti...CINCINATTI ANDI!Good luck in Africa. I will contribute $10 once I get a job.

2:39 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Little sister I am glad you are on your way on teh journey of a life time. I am so with you all the way. I told little Nolan that his aunt will have good stories to tell when she arrive home to us. Be safe! and have a good time! I cant wait to read your next blog. love you always, Jenn

10:37 PM

Blogger andi said...

dan, weren't you listening to them at all the last 2 years? the reason you haven't been shot is because you aren't in chicago. duh.

6:13 AM


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